The Art and Science of Packaging Cosmetics: A Guide to Design and Functionality

Packaging plays a crucial role in the cosmetics industry, serving as the first point of contact between consumers and products. It not only protects the contents but also communicates brand identity, influences purchasing decisions, and contributes to the overall user experience. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of packaging cosmetics, exploring the fusion of design and functionality in this dynamic field.

  • • The Importance of Packaging: 

In the competitive world of cosmetics, packaging serves as a powerful marketing tool. Eye-catching designs and innovative packaging can attract consumers’ attention, differentiate products from competitors, and convey brand values. Moreover, packaging contributes to brand recognition and recall, fostering brand loyalty among consumers.

  • • Functionality: 

While aesthetics is important, functionality is paramount in cosmetics packaging. Containers must effectively preserve the integrity of the product, protecting it from environmental factors such as light, air, and moisture that can degrade its quality. Additionally, packaging should facilitate ease of use, ensuring that consumers can dispense and apply products efficiently.

  • • Materials:

The choice of materials is critical in cosmetics packaging, as it impacts both sustainability and product preservation. Glass and plastic are commonly used due to their versatility, but advancements in sustainable packaging have led to the adoption of eco-friendly materials such as bioplastics and recycled plastics. Additionally, the rise of refillable and reusable packaging reflects a growing commitment to environmental responsibility within the industry.

  • • Design Trends: 

Cosmetics packaging is subject to evolving design trends influenced by factors such as consumer preferences, cultural shifts, and technological advancements. Minimalist designs with clean lines and muted colors have gained popularity, reflecting a desire for simplicity and sophistication. Personalization and customization are also on the rise, allowing brands to cater to diverse consumer preferences and foster emotional connections.

  • • Innovation:

The cosmetics industry is continuously evolving, driving innovation in packaging design and technology. From airless pumps that prolong product shelf life to smart packaging equipped with NFC tags for product authentication, advancements aim to enhance user experience and meet consumers’ evolving needs. Additionally, digital integration, such as augmented reality (AR) packaging, offers interactive experiences that engage and captivate consumers.

  • • Regulatory Considerations:

Compliance with regulations is essential in cosmetics packaging to ensure product safety and consumer protection. Packaging materials must meet stringent standards to prevent contamination and adverse reactions. Moreover, labeling requirements, including ingredient lists and usage instructions, must be clearly communicated to consumers to enable informed purchasing decisions.

  • • Conclusion:

Packaging plays a multifaceted role in the cosmetics industry, blending aesthetics with functionality, sustainability, and regulatory compliance. As consumer preferences and industry trends continue to evolve, cosmetics brands must innovate in packaging design and technology to stay competitive while meeting the growing demand for sustainable and user-centric solutions. By embracing creativity, functionality, and responsible practices, cosmetics packaging will continue to shape the consumer experience and drive brand success in the dynamic beauty landscape.

Team Gemba has worked with numerous clients from the packaging industries. We have been supporting a few of India’s leading print packaging solutions providers by deploying powerful lean tools such as MIS, OEE, MTBF, Warehouse Management, Lean Methodology, & 7QC tools, etc. By deploying these tools we have delivered unprecedented productivity improvements, wastage minimizations, OEE enhancement, and streamlining changeover times. For more information, check the image attached below. Join us on this transformative journey towards unparalleled excellence!

Andon System for the Real Time quality control

Andon is a part of the Toyota Production System (TPS) which notifies quality and process problems. It is used for real-time defect detection and prevention.

For the implementation of the Andon system, one screen is provided to the quality checker. (As Shown in the below Picture)

So, the quality checker clicks on the various tabs as per the quality of the product. If the quality of the product is good, he will click on the pass tab otherwise the checker will click on the respective tab.

Every defect is connected to its respective station where the defects are generated and for every defect there is a permissible limit defined. One Andon Tower light is installed at each station for the indication of the quality performance of that station.

When the defects of any station are within the permissible limit, the Andon Light of the station will change to a green light.

As soon as defects cross the first permissible limit the light of the Andon Tower will change from green light to orange light. This helps bring awareness to the workers and the line in-charge will know that the station is generating the defect. The line in-charge will then make frequent visits to that station for the reduction of defect generation.

If the defects cross the second permissible limit the light of the Andon Tower will change to red light. This will inform the line in-charge and workers that this station is generating lots of defects. This will bring the line in-charge at the station till the defect issue gets resolved.



Ref. – Liker, Jeffrey (2004) “The Toyota Way” New York:McGraw Hill ISBN 0-07-139231-9



Gemba Walk

A Gemba Walk is a workplace walkthrough to observe employees, ask about their tasks, and identify productivity gains.

Image: 7 steps of Gemba Walk (Source:

Steps Involved with Gemba Walk 

  • 1. Set a goal 

Set a reason to go to Gemba so it’s clear what to look for. Examples include opportunity discovery, waste identification, maturity assessment, or root cause analysis that focuses on a specific performance gap, customer complaint, process delay, product failure, or nonconformity. Define Why!. The more precise the intention, the more effective the Gemba Walk.

  • 2. Prepare your Team

To make people feel comfortable and open to future communication, explain how the Gemba Walk works, what is expected of them and how they will benefit from the outcome. Depending on the purpose and scope, Gemba Walk is done either by an individual or by a group. When assembling the team, identify key stakeholders (who need to participate) and keep the invitation open for others to join, learn and contribute. They can offer new perspectives and identify problems and opportunities that their peers may miss or are used to.  

  • 3. Focus on process, not People

The goal is to observe, understand and ultimately improve processes and systems. Gemba Walk is not about finding fault with an employee’s performance. However, if someone is found to be making a mistake (wrong thinking) or mistake (wrong or omission), do not blame or punish them. Be curious and dig deeper to find the root causes. 

  • 4. Be where the value stream is

The upstream in the value chain, including all critical processes, teams, changes and locations. When conducting a root cause analysis, include all people and processes that may affect the problem in the investigation. Always involve the people who know these areas best, such as supervisors and chief operating officers, to ask for their feedback and make sure hot spots are covered. 

  • 5. Record your observations

A typical Gemba Walk involves 10-20 processes x 10 observations. This and 100-200 observations will not be remembered unless you document them. Use a traditional laptop or phone or tablet. The latter offer note-taking programs with a dictation function and voice-to-text conversion. These programs allow you to add photos and videos for effective tracking. Last point: consider personal spaces and privacy rules; always explain the reason and ask for permission before taking a photo or video. 

  • Have an extra pair of eyes

The main purpose of the Gemba Walk is to learn, not to change anything yet. It is an opportunity to observe, not to act. It stands for “Planning” Step in the improvement cycle PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) and “measurement” step in the improvement process DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control). After discussing the results with stakeholders, only then decide on the next steps, which is “Do” a PDCA phase and an “Improve” DMAIC phase. 

  • Follow up

After the Gemba Walk, share your knowledge and communicate the next step, which represents the planning part of the PDCA cycle. Complete the cycle by doing something new or different confirming its effect and adding improvements, creating real value from the Gemba Walk. By closing the PDCA loop, people see that their voice matters and that things get better when they participate and give useful answers. Going to Gemba not only helps managers and teams solve problems and make better decisions, but also monitor changes in operations and ensure they produce the desired results. Do it every day! Because by walking the floor, checking work status, human availability, machine health and process performance, it helps you identify deviations early before they grow into bigger problems, ultimately saving you time in problem solving and performance management.

5 golden rules of Gemba management 

  • 1. When a problem arises, the first step to take is to go to Gemba.
  • 2. Check the Gembutsu (“relevant objectives” such as scrap, broken machines, returned goods)
  • 3. Perform temporary actions.
  • 4. Find the root cause.
  • 5. Standardize to avoid recurrences.

3 P’s of Gemba 

When performing a Gemba walk, it is important to remember the “3 P’s of Gemba” to help guide the process. The 3 P’s of Gemba are Purpose, Process, and People.

  • Purpose

One should fully understand the purpose of the Gemba walk. 

  • Process

It is important to have continuous monitoring and assessment of the Process. Understanding if the workflow is streamlined or if there is any disruption in the process

  • People

The people are the ones that make or break any Lean process. During a Gemba walk, it’s imperative to discover whether there is buy-in and trust between the workers on the project. Interact with the people on the job at all levels of operation and ask them questions about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it. Foster an environment where sharing is encouraged and where anyone can step up to become a leader.


  1. Link:
  2. Link:
  3. Linkedin Page: Industrial Knowledge 

Optimizing Operations: Using Lean Principles Across Different Sectors

Lean principles, originally developed in manufacturing, have proven to be adaptable and beneficial across a variety of industries. Let’s explore how Lean is applied in manufacturing, healthcare, IT, and the service sectors, along with the industry-specific challenges it addresses:

  1. 1. Manufacturing:

Lean Principles:

  • – Just-in-Time (JIT):  Produce goods or services just in time to meet customer demand.
  • – 5S Methodology:  Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain for workplace organization.
  • – Kaizen (Continuous Improvement):  Encourage small, incremental changes over time.
  • – Value Stream Mapping (VSM):  Visualize and analyze the steps in a process to eliminate waste.

Industry-Specific Challenges:

  1. – High Inventory Costs: Manufacturing often deals with high holding costs for raw materials and finished goods.
  2. – Production Delays: Inefficiencies and bottlenecks can lead to production delays.
  3. – Variability in Demand: Fluctuating customer demand can lead to overproduction or stockouts.

How Lean Addresses Challenges:

  1. – Inventory Reduction: JIT minimizes excess inventory, lowering holding costs.
  2. – Efficiency Improvement: 5S and VSM help identify and eliminate bottlenecks, reducing delays.
  3. – Flexibility: Lean allows for quick adjustments in production to accommodate variable demand.


  1. 2. Healthcare:

Lean Principles:

  1. – Kaizen Events: Rapid improvement events to address specific issues.
  2. – Standardized Work: Establish consistent processes for patient care.
  3. – Value Stream Mapping: Map patient flow to identify and eliminate inefficiencies.
  4. – Visual Management: Use visual cues for better communication and decision-making.

Industry-Specific Challenges:

  1. –  Long Patient Wait Times: Delays in patient care due to inefficient processes.
  2. – Resource Constraints: Limited availability of medical staff and facilities.
  3. – Variability in Patient Demand: Unpredictable patient arrival patterns.

How Lean Addresses Challenges:

  1. – Reduced Wait Times: Lean streamlines processes for quicker patient care.
  2. – Improved Resource Utilization: Efficient workflows maximize the use of available resources.
  3. – Adaptability: Lean allows healthcare providers to respond quickly to changes in patient demand.


  1. 3. Information Technology (IT):

Lean Principles:

  1. – Kanban: Visualize and manage work using Kanban boards.
  2. – Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD): Frequent, automated software releases.
  3. – Gemba Walks: Regular site visits to understand work processes.
  4. – Whys: Root cause analysis for problem-solving.

Industry-Specific Challenges:

  1. – Project Delays: Software development projects may face delays.
  2. – Unclear Requirements: Ambiguities in project requirements.
  3. – Bottlenecks in Development: Inefficient workflows causing bottlenecks.

How Lean Addresses Challenges:

  1. – Efficiency in Development: CI/CD ensures a streamlined and continuous development process.
  2. – Clear Communication: Gemba walks facilitate direct communication and understanding.
  3. – Problem-Solving: 5 Whys helps identify and address the root causes of issues.


  1. 4. Service Sector:

Lean Principles:

  1. – Customer Value: Define value from the customer’s perspective.
  2. – Pull Systems: Respond to customer demand rather than push products or services.
  3. – Cross-Training: Equip employees to handle various tasks.
  4. – Poka-Yoke (Error Proofing): Implement measures to prevent errors.

Industry-Specific Challenges:

  1. – Customer Dissatisfaction: Issues with service quality or responsiveness.
  2. – Inefficiencies in Processes: Time-consuming and error-prone service delivery.
  3. – Employee Burnout: Overburdened employees leading to reduced service quality.

How Lean Addresses Challenges:

  1. – Customer-Centric Approach: Lean ensures services are aligned with customer needs.
  2. – Efficiency Improvement: Eliminating waste streamlines service processes.
  3. – Employee Empowerment: Cross-training and involvement in improvement initiatives reduce burnout.

In each industry, Lean principles offer a systematic and effective approach to improving processes, reducing waste, and enhancing overall efficiency. The adaptability of Lean allows organizations to tailor their principles to suit their specific challenges and goals, ultimately leading to improved performance and customer satisfaction.


Note - the article is based on the real-life experiences of our consultants.

Streamlining Production: A Case Study on Kanban in Lean Manufacturing


Lean manufacturing, a philosophy rooted in efficiency and waste reduction, has transformed the way industries approach production processes. At the heart of lean practices is Kanban, a visual signaling system that originated from the Toyota Production System. This article explores the application of Kanban in lean manufacturing through a real-world case study, demonstrating how this methodology optimizes workflows, reduces waste, and enhances overall efficiency.

Case Study: Applying Kanban in an Automotive Manufacturing Plant



An automotive manufacturing plant faced challenges related to overproduction, excess inventory, and inefficient workflows. The management decided to implement lean manufacturing principles with a particular focus on Kanban to address these issues and streamline their production processes.

Implementing Kanban:


  • a) Visualizing the Workflow:

The first step involved creating a visual representation of the production process using a Kanban board. Each production stage, from raw material acquisition to final assembly, was represented as a column on the board. Physical Kanban cards were used to represent work items, with each card detailing specific information about the task, including its status, priority, and requirements.

  • b) Setting WIP Limits:

WIP limits were established for each production stage, based on the capacity of that stage and the overall demand. For example, if the assembly line had a WIP limit of 10, it meant that only 10 vehicles could be in the assembly stage at any given time. This prevented overproduction and ensured a smoother flow of work through the production process.

  • c) Implementing Pull System:

The traditional push system was replaced with a pull system. Workers in each production stage only initiated the next task when there was capacity and demand. This approach significantly reduced overproduction, minimized waiting times, and improved the overall flow of work.

  • d) Continuous Improvement:

Regular review meetings were conducted to analyze the performance of the Kanban system. The team collected data on cycle times, identified bottlenecks, and sought feedback from workers on the shop floor. Continuous improvement became an integral part of the production culture, with teams making incremental adjustments to optimize processes.

Results and Benefits:


  1. 1. Reduced Inventory:

The implementation of Kanban led to a substantial reduction in excess inventory. By producing items based on demand rather than a predetermined schedule, the plant minimized storage costs and eliminated the risk of having unsold products.

  1. 2. Increased Efficiency:

The pull system facilitated a more efficient workflow, reducing waiting times and eliminating bottlenecks. The plant experienced improved cycle times and resource utilization, resulting in a higher overall production efficiency.


  1. 3. Improved Quality:

With a focus on continuous improvement and quick identification of issues through visual cues, the plant observed a significant improvement in product quality. Defects were addressed promptly, leading to higher customer satisfaction.

  1. 4. Enhanced Collaboration:

The Kanban board became a focal point for collaboration. Workers across different stages of production had a clear understanding of the workflow, and communication improved. This collaborative environment fostered a sense of shared responsibility for the success of the production process.



The case study exemplifies how Kanban, as a key component of lean manufacturing, can transform a production environment. By visualizing workflows, setting WIP limits, implementing a pull system, and fostering a culture of continuous improvement, the automotive manufacturing plant successfully streamlined its processes, reduced waste, and achieved higher efficiency. As industries continue to adopt lean principles, the application of Kanban stands as a testament to its effectiveness in creating agile, responsive, and optimized production systems.


Operational Production Smoothing

What is Production Smoothing:

  • – The means for adapting production to variable demand is called production smoothing. (Yasuhiro, 4h edition) 
  • – The goal of production smoothing is to produce the same amount of products every period(usually every day).
  • – There are two phases to production smoothing as mentioned below.

Goals of Production Smoothning:

There are three main goals of production smoothing:(Yasuhiro, 4h Edition)

  • – Parts usage smoothing(most important goal)
    • • Minimize variance in the consumption of parts and/or materials constituting the final products.
  • – Product workload smoothing
    • • Balancing varied assembly times for continuous flow so that the assembly line does not stop due to the long cycle time processes
  • – Product sales-rate smoothing
    • • To produce goods with respect to takt tine

Minimizing Bullwhip effect using Production Smoothing:

  • – The Bullwhip effect in supply chain management refers to a situation where even small changes in customer demand can lead to significant
  • – To minimize these variations and ensure smoother production production smoothing is done.

Bullwhip Effect – Case Study:

  • – For e.g. Below is an ideal situation where demand always remains constant

Bullwhip Effect – Case – 1:

  • – For e.g. in real-life situations, the demand might vary from let us say 8 to 13 units. Suppose the demand increased to 13 units.

Bullwhip Effect – Case – 2:

  • – Now suppose the demand decreased to 12 units.

Bullwhip Effect – Solution:

  • – Even with just a 1-unit change in demand, the manufacturer experienced a 6-unit variation in production. Increasing capacity by purchasing new machines would have posed challenges.
  • – Here is the solution to overcome the “Bullwhip effect.”

Types of Production Smoothing:

  • – One type of production smoothing is to smoothen the production for total quantity. There are two types of waste that need to be eliminated in this type as mentioned below. (Yasuhiro, 4h Edition)
  • – Another type is sequencing models for production smoothing.\

Type-1 Waste – Example:

  • – Problem statement- Manufacturing has to be done as per takt time = 39 secs. Every workstation exceeds the cycle time of 39 seconds. (A.F.H Fansuri et al 2018)
  • – As of now all the processes have a cycle time of more than 39 seconds. Thus, line balancing must be done.
  • – Using Ranked Positional Weight method line balancing was done.

Type-1 Waste Example-Results:

Type-2 Waste:

  • – Type-2 waste can be eliminated using the below concepts:(Yasuhiro, 4h Edition)

Model-wise production smoothing-significance:

  • – Focusing on a single body type for the entire day results in a substantially larger quantity of finished parts—approximately three to four times more than what is produced with smoothed production. (Yasuhiro, 4th edition)
  • – For example, a final assembly line that produces sedans one day, hard tops the next and vans the day after that. A preceding process of making the parts for sedans would have work to do one day, but not again for two days. It would be true for the lines dedicated to vans and hardtops. (Yasuhiro, 4th edition)
  • Analyzing the automobile industry, (Swaminathan et. al., 2007) argues that companies can no longer stay profitable by producing large volumes of standardized products.

  • (Swaminathan et. al., 2007) states that changes in energy prices and trade structures, internationalization of markets, and increased consumer sophistication are sources for increasing product variety.

  • – Average annual sales per passenger-car model dropped by 34 percent in the United States from 1973 to 1989, while the model count increased from 84 to 142 during this period (Swaminathan et. al., 2007)
  • – Keeping sufficient inventory for a large number of variants can require too much space near the final assembly line. (Swaminathan et. al., 2007)

Model-wise production smoothing example:

  • – Problem statement- A company was suffering from late time deliveries. To be exact it was 85.34 days. The tardiness cost was 85,344 pounds. Genetic Algorithm was applied for sequencing and below are the results obtained. (P. Pongcharoen et al., 2002)


  • – Yasuhiro M. (4h Edition). Toyota Production System. RC Press.
  • – A.F.H Fansuri et al 2018 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 409 012015
  • – Swaminathan and Nitsch: Managing Product Variety in Automobile Assembly
  • – M.T. Çelik and S. Arslankaya, Solution of the assembly line balancing problem using the rank positional weight method and Kilbridge and

    Wester heuristics method: An application in the cable industry, Journal of Engineering Research,

  • – P. Pongcharoena, C. Hicksa, P.M. Braidena, D.J. Stewardsonb: Determining optimum Genetic Algorithm parameters for scheduling the manufacturing and assembly of complex products.
  • –
  • –

Streamlining Efficiency: The ESSA Approach to Eliminate Redundancies and Waste

In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficiency is the key to success. Organizations must constantly strive to eliminate redundancies and reduce waste in their processes to operate at optimal levels. The ESSA (Eliminate, Standardize, Simplify, and Automate) Approach, provides a strategic framework for organizations looking to optimize their operations. In this blog post, we will delve into the core principles of the ESSA approach and explore how it can help organizations achieve higher efficiency.

Understanding the ESSA Approach

The ESSA Approach is built on four fundamental pillars, each contributing to the overarching goal of efficiency:

  1. 1. Eliminate: The first step in the ESSA approach is to identify and eliminate redundancies and non-value-added processes within an organization. This involves a critical analysis of existing workflows to pinpoint activities that do not contribute to the desired outcomes. By eliminating these inefficiencies, organizations can free up resources and reduce unnecessary costs.
  2. 2. Standardize: Standardization is about creating uniform processes and procedures across the organization. It ensures that every task is performed consistently, reducing variability and errors. Standardization is particularly valuable when dealing with routine tasks, as it streamlines operations and allows for easier monitoring and improvement.
  3. 3. Simplify: Simplification is all about making processes more straightforward and less complex. This step involves breaking down intricate workflows into more manageable components. Simplified processes are not only easier to execute but also easier to understand, making it simpler for employees to adhere to best practices.
  4. 4. Automate: Automation is the final piece of the puzzle in the ESSA Approach. Once redundancies are eliminated, processes are standardized, and workflows simplified, organizations can leverage technology to automate routine tasks. Automation increases efficiency by reducing the need for manual intervention and speeding up processes. 

    Benefits of the ESSA Approach

    Implementing the ESSA Approach can yield numerous benefits for organizations:

    – Cost Reduction: By eliminating waste and redundancies, organizations can reduce unnecessary costs and allocate resources more efficiently.

    – Enhanced Quality: Standardizing processes and simplifying workflows lead to improved quality and reduced errors.

    – Time Savings: Automation of routine tasks frees up employees’ time to focus on more strategic and creative endeavors.

    – Increased Productivity: The ESSA Approach allows organizations to accomplish more with the same or fewer resources, boosting overall productivity.

    – Competitive Advantage: Streamlining operations positions organizations to be more agile and responsive, giving them a competitive edge in their respective industries.

    Case Studies

    To illustrate the effectiveness of the ESSA Approach, consider the following case studies:

    1. A. Manufacturing: A manufacturing company implemented the ESSA Approach, leading to a 20% reduction in production time and a 15% decrease in material waste.
    2. B. Healthcare: A hospital streamlined its administrative processes using ESSA, resulting in shorter patient wait times, reduced paperwork, and improved patient satisfaction.
    3. C. Finance: A financial institution automated its loan approval process, reducing processing time from weeks to days, and significantly enhancing customer satisfaction.


    Efficiency is the cornerstone of success in today’s business landscape. The ESSA Approach, with its focus on eliminating waste, standardizing processes, simplifying workflows, and automating tasks, offers a strategic framework for organizations to achieve optimal efficiency. By implementing the ESSA Approach, businesses can reduce costs, enhance quality, save time, increase productivity, and gain a competitive advantage in their respective markets. Embracing this methodology is a step toward a brighter, more efficient future for any organization.

Lean Facility Layout Planning: The Catalyst for Transformation

As a Lean Practitioner, whenever I visit a factory for the first time my initial observation is always excess material movement on the shop floor.  That is why before starting any improvement journey, mapping the process flow and the spaghetti diagram is the first step that is taken. The objective is to identify the scope of improving throughput by establishing a well-planned facility layout.

An unplanned factory layout planning results in major wastes like transportation, waiting, and Inventory.  A proper factory layout impacts the throughput time and boosts productivity, and worker morale & reduces unevenness in work & stress. So basically, it acts as a direct action against the three wasteful practices, Muda, Mura & Muri.

What is a Lean Facility Layout?

Lean Facility Layout is a systematic approach used in designing the production facility or warehouse which is based on the principles of Lean Manufacturing. The focus is on creating a flow that has no unnecessary steps, or activities, one that adds “Value” to the Product that is manufactured. A lean facility layout emphasizes easy-to-adapt and flexible workplace operations.

What do you need?

Always get a clear understanding of your processes. Whether you are planning a new facility, or refining the existing one, it is very important to identify the pain areas in all processes of your facility. These could be directly or indirectly related to Manpower, Machine, Method, or Material. Interact with the shop floor workers and get their opinion on the current Operations.  You need to be very clear on the strategic requirements of your organization.

The Approach

A planned facility layout should take care of the following things: –

  1. 1. Space Utilization: Material stored horizontally on the floor is a common picture in the shop floor, & in most cases, there is clear vertical space available that can be utilized by implementing vertical material storage solutions.
  2. 2. Material Movement: Long material movement results in longer lead times, lower throughput time, and Productivity loss and creates uneven and stressful plant operations. A well-planned facility will ensure higher throughput, least lead time & optimize Productivity. This will reduce manpower costs and overall operational expenses.
  3. 3. Space for all: Area allocation for Maintenance, RND, QA, Rejections (Incoming and internal), Daily Plant Meetings (PPC and Quality), Segregation in the storage of Material (Incoming, FG, Buffer), etc will give a clearer shop floor picture to Managers, Customers, & Auditors of all activities well managed & sorted. Also, machines should be placed with enough clearances around for maintenance checks, repairs, part replacements, lubrication & cleaning.
  4. 4. Inventory: Machine-wise storage area for WIP (segregated as IP & OP), Supermarkets (to control inventories), Centralised trolley storage, Packing Material Storage, FG Area, and Hold Area. All these help in maintaining & controlling inventories across the facility. Non-moving material, rejections are brought to the notice of the management & decisions are made faster on the disposal of these materials, and lesser inventory means more profits.
  5. 5. Visual Management: The most efficient tool for communicating across the shop floor is Visual Management. Your Layout should have machines, areas, storage, walkways, and gangways Visually Identified. Not just this, it also helps in communicating standard procedures, highlighting problems, and bringing consistency & transparency to work.
  6. 6. Improved Worker Morale: With smooth material flow, sequenced machine areas, and well-managed inventories there remains a very low chance of ergonomic stress on workers, which boosts their productivity and helps in nurturing the Process Excellence culture in the shop floor.
  7. 7. A plant layout should also ensure safety standards are followed. Power units, cables, hazardous chemical storage, etc. should be isolated from the Operational areas. Effective use of safety shoes, PPEs, etc. should be promoted by using Visual Management tools. Such factors while planning a facility will help in sustaining a Safe factory culture.
  8. 8. Flexibility: Keeping in mind the Plant operations, one should analyze whether there are multiple SKUs. Do all the SKUs have standard processes or there are multiple process routes? If the demand is not steady, the layout should be planned considering the excess capacity requirements.
  9. 9. A detailed diagnostic study of the existing state should determine the requirements before Planning the facility, and the final layout should be flexible to changes, the mentioned constraints should be taken care of.
  10. 10. Visibility: Plant layout should be planned in a way that the machines and ongoing activities are part of the value chain and should always be observable.  The arrangement of departments, offices/cabins should be made in such a way that the shop floor is easy to supervise.

Types of Facility Layout?

While you plan a facility layout, it is necessary to understand what ideally fits you the best. To begin with, one has to understand 4 major types of layouts and relate those with the Operations of the Plant in mind.

  1. 1. Product Layout: Plant, where there are large volumes & standardized products involved, with very few SKUs, a Product Layout, is the ideal choice. Product layout or the Assembly Line has workstations arranged in a sequential way where the RM enters the line, and at the end of the line, you get the finished Product. A product layout is usually in a U shape or a straight line.

Figure 1 Ref:

  1. 2. Process Layout: A process layout is one where machinery, equipment, or workstations with the same process/functions are grouped together. Basically, equipment with similar functions is combined at one location. Ex. All the welding activities for a Panel manufacturer are grouped in one common area.

Figure 2 Ref:

  1. With this approach, you can establish a Plant with a functional arrangement of the layout, where the Product will move to different areas as per its process route & then finally get finished at the common assembly or FG area/process. A plant with non-standardized products should opt for such a layout.

Figure 3 Ref:

  1. 3. Combination Layout: When there are multiple types of products & the quantities are on the higher side, Process layouts arranged in a line in a sequential manner are implemented. Simply the machines performing similar functions are grouped, and these groups are arranged in sequences to manufacture products of different specifications in large quantities.

Well, the question arises here. How to do it?

The systematic way to begin with would be as follows: –

  1. 1. Define the objectives: Understand the strategic requirements of the organization & define the key milestones to achieve.
  2. 2. Current State Mapping: Map the existing procedures, manpower, equipment, capacity & storage requirements.
  3. 3. Material Flow Analysis: If it is a re-layout activity, prepare a spaghetti diagram of the material movements, and measure the distance traveled for runner items. Analyze the flow of the material & target measure Non-Value adding, zigzag, reverse movements of material that are wasteful & avoidable.
  4. 4. Space Allocation: Understand the architectural drawing of the plant, and understand the limitations with respect to pillars, walls, or other obstacles. Brainstorm with key stakeholders and note down their requirements, priorities, and constraints. Allocate tentative areas for machines, processes, storage, etc. Make sure future expansion plans are considered while doing this.
  5. 5. Dimensioning: Note machine dimensions & clearances required, storage equipment dimensions, and gangway width required.
  6. 6. Design: Start plotting machines as per factors studied one by one. Focus on a particular stage of the manufacturing process. It might involve 2-3 machines and a storage area. The next step is to check clearances around the machine, & prediction of possible constraints. With this approach start following the process route & go on the plotting machine. One has to understand that once a tentative layout is done, multiple constraints, & ideas will be visible.
  7. 7. Brainstorming in Design: The first tentative plan will highlight multiple constraints, also it will give out many ideas. Constraints might be related to material movement, storage, operating space, material handling equipment, etc. Categorizing the constraints in multiple ways will help in finding solutions, and in this way, multiple layout options can be developed.
  8. 8. Future State: Create a “to be” spaghetti diagram for key products & check the material travel distances reduced for each layout, comparing with the current state. Highlight the top 3 cases with a major reduction in movement. These are the layouts you have to focus on.
  9. 9. Feasibility check: Once you have 4-5 options on paper, then it’s time to review these with the stakeholders. At this stage, you have to check the most feasible layout as per current & future demand. Stakeholders can give deeper insights into possible challenges.


Space utilization, higher throughput, reduced inventories, reduced material handling costs, improved safety & high worker morale are your key milestones. As we are into the World Class Manufacturing Era, these are the milestones that will take you toward the goal that is Lean Facility Layout, and by the way the goal is just the first step towards Process Excellence or Lean Manufacturing. Because it is not the destination, it is the pursuit of “Continuous Improvement”.

Understanding Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA): A Key Element of Quality Management


In the realm of quality management, organizations are constantly striving for excellence, seeking ways to improve processes, reduce errors, and enhance customer satisfaction. One vital tool in this pursuit is the Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) process. CAPA is an integral component of quality management systems, enabling businesses to identify, investigate, and rectify issues while implementing preventive measures to prevent their recurrence. This article delves into the concept of CAPA, its importance, and how it contributes to organizational growth and continuous improvement.

What is CAPA?

Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) is a systematic approach employed by organizations to identify, address, and prevent non-conformities, deviations, or deficiencies in products, processes, or quality systems. The primary objective of CAPA is to detect and correct problems, as well as to implement measures to prevent their recurrence, ultimately enhancing the overall quality and reliability of products or services.

The CAPA Process:

The CAPA process typically involves the following key steps:

Issue Identification: The first step in the CAPA process is to identify the issue or non-conformity through various means, such as customer complaints, internal audits, quality data analysis, or regulatory requirements. This ensures that problems are captured and addressed promptly.

Problem Investigation:

Once an issue is identified, a thorough investigation is conducted to determine its root cause. This involves gathering relevant data, analyzing the problem, and using various problem-solving techniques such as the 5 Whys, fishbone diagrams, or fault tree analysis. The goal is to uncover the underlying causes and understand the contributing factors.

Corrective Action:

Based on the investigation, corrective actions are developed and implemented to address the identified root cause and eliminate the problem. Corrective actions can involve process modifications, retraining employees, updating procedures, or implementing technical fixes. The effectiveness of these actions should be monitored to ensure their success.

Preventive Action:

In addition to addressing the immediate problem, CAPA also focuses on preventive measures to avoid similar issues in the future. This step involves identifying potential risks, implementing preventive actions, and monitoring their effectiveness. Preventive actions can include process improvements, regular training programs, enhanced quality controls, or updated documentation.

Verification and Monitoring:

The final step in the CAPA process is to verify the effectiveness of the corrective and preventive actions taken. This involves evaluating whether the implemented measures have resolved the problem and assessing their long-term impact. Ongoing monitoring and measurement are necessary to ensure sustained compliance and continuous improvement.

Benefits of CAPA:

Implementing an effective CAPA process offers several benefits to organizations, including:

Enhanced Quality:

CAPA helps organizations identify and eliminate the root causes of quality issues, resulting in improved product or service quality and customer satisfaction.

Compliance with Regulations:

By addressing non-conformities and implementing preventive measures, CAPA enables organizations to comply with industry standards, regulations, and customer requirements.

Continuous Improvement:

CAPA fosters a culture of continuous improvement by promoting problem-solving, data-driven decision-making, and proactive risk management.

Cost Reduction:

Through the identification and elimination of issues, CAPA helps organizations minimize rework, waste, and customer complaints, leading to cost savings.

Organizational Learning:

CAPA encourages knowledge sharing and organizational learning, as the process involves analyzing data, identifying trends, and disseminating lessons learned throughout the organization.


Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA) is a fundamental process within quality management systems, enabling organizations to proactively identify and address issues while preventing their recurrence. By embracing CAPA, organizations can achieve higher levels of quality, regulatory compliance, and customer satisfaction.

Kanban Cards

What is Kanban?

The Kanban system is an information system that harmoniously controls the production of the necessary products in the necessary quantities at the necessary time in every process of a factory and also among companies.

Bullwhip effect

The Bullwhip effect in supply chain management refers to a situation where even small changes in customer demand can lead to significant fluctuations in production quantities for manufacturers.

To minimize these variations and ensure smoother production, a method called production smoothing is implemented. This process is facilitated by using Kanban cards.

Kanban cards – application

1. IT support: A support ticket can move through different stages like triage, assignment, resolution and closure. This helps keep track on number of support tickets.

2. Healthcare service: Each patient can be assigned a Kanban card and its movement can be tracked. For e.g. entry stage forms are filled, payment is done, progress in the health etc.

3. Manufacturing: To help reduce WIP (work in progress), inventory and prevent over or under production

4. Event management

Classification of Kanban cards

Production ordering Kanban

Ø These signals prompt the preceding activity to begin manufacturing when the inventory in the “semi-finished goods store” reaches a reorder level.

Ø For e.g. For an engine assembly line, Kanban’s will be attached on scheduling board which has “color-coded scale”.

Ø Inventory racks which hold semi finished goods like crank shaft, piston and cylinder are being consumed, assemblies are completed and thus inventory reduces reaching the reorder point.

Ø Kanban’s are attached on these scheduling boards signifying inventory of semi finished goods store. When Kanban’s reach the top of the red area, the respective machining shops (preceding activity) are notified to start manufacturing of the respective items.

Withdrawal kanban

Ø These signals prompt the material handler to withdraw items from the centralized store for different workstations.

Ø For e.g. There is an assembly line which produces smartphones. It has four different types of assembly lines: electronic board, screen, batteries and casing

Ø Each workstation will have its individual store where respective parts will be stocked.

Ø As the assembly progresses, parts are consumed, leading the individual stores near workstations to reach the “reorder point” levels.

Ø The Mizusumashi (kanban and material handler) will take the Kanban card of the required item as an “authorization” to withdraw the item from the central store.

Ø The central store too will have re-order points set for its inventory. Once the inventory levels reach the reorder point, the Mizusumashi (Kanban and material handler) will notify the store keeper to re order the items from the supplier.

Supplier kanban

Ø Supplier Kanban will help notify the supplier to refill the inventory levels.

Ø It is very crucial to minimize the fluctuation in ordering of inventory from the supplier. Thus two types of information are conveyed to the suppliers.

Ø There are certain calculations done by the supplier after taking into consideration monthly production schedule as follows

Supplier Kanban – Monthly Information

Supplier Kanban – Daily production schedule

Ø Depending on the withdrawal system either “later replenishment” or “sequenced withdrawal system” is used to convey the daily production schedule.

Ø Later replenishment uses supplier Kanban (now E-Kanban for supplier) to refill the inventory levels of Toyota and sequenced withdrawal system uses scheduling table conveyed by E-Kanban.

Supplier Kanban – System of later replenishment

The idea of later replenishment system is to have simultaneous activities of:

1. Loading of goods from supplier which were made on the prompt of supplier Kanban delivered one day prior. Also to submit today’s request of inventory with supplier Kanban.

2. Unloading of goods of the truck which carries the requested inventory of the prior day from the supplier on Toyota’s site.

Benefits of kanban

Ø Kanban cards help manage work in progress

Ø Reducing excess inventory of raw material

Ø Eliminating over production to a great extent

Ø Kanban board also help spot the bottle neck process/stage

Ø Kanban boards also help prioritizing the work

Ø Helps provide transparency to all the stake holders regarding current stage in any given process through Kanban board


1. Michel B.(Reprint 2017). Lean logistics. Productivity Press.

2. Yasuhiro M. (4th Edition). Toyota Production System. CRC Press.

3. Website:

4. Website: