Gemba Concepts

5S An Opportunity

5S is a methodology that helps in organizing our workplace and ensures that work is performed efficiently, effectively and more importantly in a safe environment. This helps in making our work environment secure, non- hazardous and improves communication and discipline between the workers.

5S consists of 5 terms that define the whole methodology of this process.








1S – Seiri(Sorting)

This term involves sorting out the required and non- required items of our workplace. After this Red tags are assigned to the periodically used or non-required items and a separate place is allotted to the Red Tag material called as Red tag area. This helps in improving the space utilization and also results in monetary

2S – Seiton(Set in Order)

According to this term “Everything must have its place and Everything must be at its place”. In this process we define and fix the layout of the work area and arrange everything in order that reduces search time/waiting time, helps in faster movement

3S – Seiso(Shine)

This term means to keep our working environment clean. This helps to detect leakages if any, provides a hygienic and safe working environment and improves working efficiency. It involves of providing cleaning check lists, CLIT checklists etc. to ensure cleaning action is being carried out regularly and timely.

4S – Seiketsu (Standardize)

In this method Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are created for more visual display, engagement of the It helps to assign regular tasks, create schedules and enforce instructions so that the activities become daily life routine. It helps in uniform implementation of 1S, 2S and 3S in the organization.

5S – Shitsuke (Sustain)

Sustain means to ensure discipline throughout the implementation of 5S. It is the centre of the whole 5S process and unless it is carried out perfectly by the work force of the organization 5S cannot be implemented. It involves keeping a record of the improvement and analyse the loop holes for which 5S is not getting implemented. Here a 5S audit is done and score is provided to each zone that helps to understand where the particular organization or area stands in terms of 5S.


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Taksh Agarwal

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